Contact & Help

Contact Mail: . For exhibitions please ad “Exhibition” to subject of mail.

HELP:o) The project has always been financed by my own pocket, and I will never have a big sponsor, as I believe this would undermine the integrity of the project. However, I realize that I could use a little help. The knowledge I have gathered from around the world, could be put better to use and the project could reach more people. Here are some of the way’s you can help the project:

Contacts for:

Travel: The biggest expence is for travel (train, boat, flight, bike, bus). If you have a contact in the travel industry anywhere worldwide, or in any other way could make travel less expensive, that would be a great help.

Sleep: The second large expence is hostel/hotel/local sleeping. I am happy and willing to sleep on any floor, and love any opportunity to meet local people… After all that is what the project is all about. Any help in this area could make all the difference.

Food: Lastly is food. If you have a friend that would invite me to a local meal, that would be a great way to meet someone locally.

Website: If you have any good ideas that work in a wordpress format please let me know:o) I have already received a bit of help. has been a great help.


I would also like to acknowledge the people that have helped me in the past and are doing so in the present.

The Artistgroup Presens that I am a part of myself and that helped start the project with ideas before I started. Presens includes: Tim Jensen, Merete Lind Hansen, Siri Vilbøl, Jesper Larsen and Jan Krogh.

Photographer Rasmus Rønne for help with preparing my photos for the big exhibition at City Hall Square in 2009.

Karin Gottlieb and the Golden Days crew for making the exhibition at City Hall Square in 2009 possible.

Lise Valeur-Jaques for helping with presentation material.

Lasse Hanstad for helping out during some of my travel.

Mie Vibe Fjelstrup for helping out during some of my travel and always being a firm supporter throughout the project.

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